
Characters description:

Piscine Molitor Patel “Pi”   

He is the main character of the book and like animals. A zoologist, he grew up with animals and zoos because his father was a zoologist. A lucky and an unfortunate guy, he had the luck to be the only human survivor of the boat, but unfortunately he lost all of his family, his parents and his brother. He survived in the life boat with a hyena, an orangutan, a zebra and a tiger. He was a curious and intelligent boy that managed to lived with a tiger and survived by making himself the “Alpha” male. 

Richard Parker (Tiger)

This was a tiger that gets saved in a lifeboat after the sinking of the cargo ship. He was very loyal to Pi. He was a zoo animal that was adjusted to a zoo life, that finally freed himself in the jungle. He was the best friend of Pi during that hard adventure.

Mr. Satish Kumar

He was Pi´s biology teacher. He was a communist. The top of his head was bald and pointy, and he had a massive stomach that looked like the base of a mountain, and one black hair. He was a friendly man. His smile seemed to take up the whole base of his triangular head. He was a regular visitor of the zoo, and an atheist. He was the one that introduces atheism to Pi.

Yann Martel (Author)

The author was a really curious person who loved writing and who likes to describe a lot his point of view and what happened. He is a guy that “fall in love” with Pi´s story, because he didn’t rest until he got to know the whole story about his life. His writing in the book is characterized by his giving a lot of details.

Father Martin

He is the Catholic priest that Pi met when he was deciding his religion. He was a really kind person to Pi even though Catholics are well known for their severity. He introduced Catholicism to Pi. He had no problem talking about his religion, even though there were times Pi was rude because of his incredulity. He was really sure about Catholicism and he never changed his point in the talks with Pi. He always showed his point of view.