
Images Part 1
Chapter 1

  1. “I chose the sloth because its demeanour – calm, quiet and introspective – did something to soothe my shattered self.”
This picture reminds me of the love of Pi with the sloths, in his inspiration in order to make his thesis on them. I have to admit I’m also a big fan of sloths.
  1. “I was at the Indian Coffee House, on Nehru Street.”
Author notes
 It is the coffee store where Yann Martel was and hi found the story. My favorite drink is coffee
  1. “Mamaji was a champion competitive swimmer”

Chapter 3
The love of Pi´s father for swimming makes me remind of the swimming Olympic champion Michael Phelps. In my case I don’t know how to swim.
  1. “∏ = 3.14”
Chapter 5
The symbol of pi always makes me remember about how intelligent Pi was in order people stop tossing him about his name. I am a big fan of math, so it reminds me of good memories.
  1. “We commonly say in the trade that the most dangerous animal in a zoo is a Man.” Chapter 8
Osama bin laden is clearly an example of a dangerous man, not only for zoos. He really scared me.
  1. “Life goes and you don’t touch tigers”                                                                                Chapter 8
This cute tiger doll shows how lovely tigers can look but you should not touch them as the father thought to Pi and Ravi.  I don’t care how dangerous they are I would love to touch one.

Images Part 2:
1.“He had seen me. He looked panic-strike. He started swimming my way.”                         Chapter 37

This image is related to the book because it reminds me of Richard Parker swimming towards the boat. I think even though it was a hard condition, I will love to see a tiger swimming.

2.“I noticed the presence of sharks around the lifeboat.”                                                                Chapter 46

This image reminds of how pi had the danger of being surrounded by sharks the whole time. One of the animals that most scares me are sharks.

3.“At least I drank. I wasn’t really thirsty, but I forced myself to drink.”                                           Chapter 48

This image is when pi is forced to drink rain water because there is nothing less to do. I don’t like to drink water but reading about this situation makes me like it a little more.

4.“I pulled out the survival manual.”                                                                                                 Chapter 58

This image reminds me of pi reading the manual in order to know what to do to survive. I haven’t pay much attention to survival manuals and I’m sure in that situation I would not know what to do.

5.“An epic battle began.”
Chapter 78
This picture shows a tiger and a shark fighting, it is a scene that Pi had to see when he was at the lifeboat. I believe if I was in that situation I would be really scared because I’m an easily scary person.

6.“Have you gone blind?”

Chapter 90
This reminds me when pi and Richard parker are really suffering to continue living and are almost dying. This makes me think of how useful sight is and that I have to be careful with my eyes.

Images Part 3


1. Ch 96  

The image shows some Asian marines, this reminds me of Atsuro and Tomohiro, (the guys who asked Pi about what happened with the boat), reading about these guys reminds me about a dream which is to visit Asia I hope I can do it sometime.

2. Part three 

 The image is of a man in an interrogation room, being asked about something. It is much the same as what Pi had to experience with Atsuro and Tomohiro. It relates to my life because I have been in that situation where you are telling the truth, but people don’t believe you.

3. Pg 296 

The image of a cookie is related because before Pi starts telling the story, he and the Japanese guys are just talking and they start to eat some cookies. For me it is just a good idea to gain confidence so he says the truth. I think giving cookies is a good way to “break the ice” used by me and a lot of people.