
Pictures Part 1 

1. “A donkey that is tie to a system of harvesting in a mine.”
Chapter 4
It makes me remind when Pi is talking about zoo animals on freedom would know how to survive, the donkey is an example because it has been teach just to do that and he gets food and water. I share the thoughts of pi about zoo animals.

2. “My dog”
Chapter 9

It shows when they talked about how difficult is that an animal gets used to the presence of humans, a dog is an example of that there is always an exception, because he is really used to my presence.

3. “Picture of Jesus”
Chapter 17

That makes me remind about the crazy thoughts of Pi about the catholic religion. I found it really funny, but I also think crazy stuff about his religion.

4. “Rain”
Chapter 28
It is related to the book when he talks to his parents about being Baptist and after they accepted he says “it had the refreshing effect of a monsoon rain.” For me rain is also really refreshing.

5. “Ice cream”
Chapter 23

Pi´s father liked to give ice cream after a hard topic talk. In my family my dad used to give peanuts to visitors.

6. “Door of my house”
Chapter 4

“There´s no place like home”
Pi says this sentence referring animals feel the same as humans about their home. Every time I see my door I feel like a rest.

Pictures Part 2 

“During those long, cold, dark hours.”
 Chapter 48

This picture shows what kind of stuff Pi had to leave, it relates to my life because I was there at the Amazon where I took the picture from.

“I got to the main deck.”
Chapter 38
This is the main deck of a boat, I had the chance to meet in the Canal of Panama, pretty much the same size as the one Pi was on, instead this one is a tourism boat.

“I kept one eye on the horizon.”
Chapter 43
This picture I took it on the beach oh Panama to the horizon, Pi used to look at it at the boat, fortunately my condition wasn’t the same as his.

“When an animal decides to do something, it can do it for a very long time.”
Chapter 38

 This is my dog, as Pi said when he decides to do something he does; in this case his decision is to sleep.

“The sun sets.”
Chapter 44
This is a picture from my window of the sunset, Pi saw a lot of them at the ocean, every time he saw it moments of darkness were coming.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Chapter 94
This is what Pi says to Richard Parker when they are on land, the picture is of my dog, I love him and I believe there are things I can’t make without him.

Pictures Part 3

1. Part three beginning.
  My dog running.

Richard Parker escape to the jungle, this is when Richard Parker decides to stay in the jungle. It made me reminds of my dog, because one time when we were at the park, suddenly he started running as if he was escaping of something.

2. Part three.
Me disappointed.

Here I am disappointed because people don’t believe the things that I say, as Pi was when he told the story to Tomohiro and Atsuro.

3. (p 100)
Hand saying goodbye.

The last word said by Pi in the book, a goodbye that would be remembered forever, I have some goodbyes I will never forget.