
  1. I found the fact that the whole family had something to do with the zoos really interesting, because it is not a common job and the way that it includes all the family in the business looks like a really efficient way to work together and to share knowledge as the father of Pi did with him.
  2. I found important the way Pi talked about Mr. Kumar because I believe he is a guy that really affected Pi´s life. I think he was the first to talk to him about other religions that weren’t his normal one, and I believe this influenced the curiosity of Pi in learning more about different religions.
  3. I found the fact that they said that the most dangerous animal in the zoo is man really intelligent. It is a cruel but true reality of our species, not only for a zoo, or for animals, but humans are the most dangerous species for the whole planet and that’s why now we are losing our natural resources.
  4. I find it really cruel the way Pi´s father thought them the lesson of how dangerous a tiger and all animals can be. Letting the goat on the cage of the starving tiger, because I believe there are a lot of ways to teach about the dangers of nature that being so cruel with a poor animal like he was with the goat.
  5. I like the way Pi talked about the different religions, because he is a guy from a new generation that realizes that religions are similar, and that religions doesn’t change who you are, and that you can have more than one religion without being a bad follower of the religion.
  6. The way Pi believes the Catholic church is really peculiar and the way Father Martin talks about Catholicism, because it is funny to see the crazy stuff Pi imagined about the religion. It is nice for me as a Catholic to see the way Father Martin describes the religion basing it on love.
  7. I found it really scary when he gets lost in the life boat, because I imagine how difficult could it be, and more for a young boy, and even more if you see how all of your family sank on a ship and you are trapped there with nothing you can do to help and not knowing how to survive.
  8. The saddest moment of the whole book for me is when the zebra dies, because it is really sad the way Pi describes all the pain it is suffering. In my case I am a lover of animals and I can’t look at any animal that is suffering.     
  9. The most amazing part of the book is when Pi decides to start living with Richard Parker, because even though it is hard to believe, I think that it is possible to live with a tiger. I really like the strategy of Pi of being the “Alpha” and that he had the courage to do it is incredible.
  10. I like the third part of the book. I believe it is a really good way to finish the book, because it is like summarizing his adventure in the lifeboat and it shows what was most likely to happen, that was that people don’t believe him, but anyway he kept on telling the truth.